2. Requirement of Computer Programming

You need a programming language in computer programming for the same reason you need a natural language in your everyday life : to communicate and simplify things.
How humans interact with each other? using a language , the basic elements of a language are the letters, right? what you do with these letters? you combine them if you say h-o-u-s-e , is a nonsense , but if you say house , people will understand you) so what are you doing in reality? you are using a code in order to access the world outside, this code is your interface on the world.
Consider a deaf-mute person, how he/she communicates? he/she uses a code, in this case not the speaking language but the signs language , but for he/she this code has the same function, is an interface on the outside world.
The other function of a code is to simplify things , to give them a structure , to help you build more complex things giving you simpler tools.
Computer programming is problem solving for the most part. Now , imagine that you don’t have any programming language , the only code that you have is the binary system , how much can be practical , to write an entire program , that solve a real problem , using just 0’s and 1’s?
Programming languages are an inteface between humans and computer , they allow us to communicate with computers in order to do awesome things , otherwise will be like having the fastest car in the world but can’t drive it.


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