8. Program structure rules of C programming

 Some rules which hold for all programs written in C are as follows:
(1) C has no specific rule about the position at which different parts of a statement are to be written.
(2) C is a case sensitive programming language. Each and every statement
in C or keyword must be written in lower case letter.
(3) Each and every statement used in a C program must be terminated with a semicolon.
(4)The statements within a function in C program are always enclosed within a pair of brackets.
(5) Any C program must be start with a function called main function.
(6) The group of statements within main () are executed sequentially.
(7) The enclosing brackets of the main () function indicates the end of the program.
(8) Keywords cannot be used for any other purpose that is they cannot be used as a variable or function name.
